There was a course in our university regarding web design for which we were given a group assignment to build a website using HTML, CSS and PHP (we were allowed to use additional technologies as well if we wanted).
However, most of us felt that we were not given enough practical guidance, because this was the first group project we were given with technical aspects at the university level. Though the lecturers tried their best, the workload was too heavy and even they failed to teach anything beyond the examples given in the textbooks. There were sessions to discuss the issues with the teaching staff, but the time windows allotted were not enough as there were too many groups. Under these circumstances, most of the groups were frustrated and it even affected the assignments in other subjects as well.
Eventually, the websites we built were evaluated in a VIVA and our website was unfinished at the deadline. (The marks given were never disclosed to the students).
When we were given a written paper for the final exam, after answering the questions as well as I could I wrote a note to the examiner at the end of my answer sheet criticizing the subject content being too heavy and the lack of attention towards the groups' progress. I got a good grade for that particular course in the end, but have never received personal feedback regarding the note I wrote.
Looking back at the incident, I feel like I should have tried harder for the assignment but I am still unclear whether that piece of criticism was suitable or not, though I believe someone should have raised the issue somehow.
The issue is that we keep getting courses with similarly heavy workloads and poor content organization as we progress toward our degrees, but there is no proper objection from the students.
My questions are:
- Was my action appropriate?
- How should I tackle such situations if they arise in future?