I have to start writing a thesis for my master's degree. The thesis itself is about machine learning. In particular, I developed an environment that simulate a real world robotic system and applied some of the most famous reinforcement learning algorithms to it. I would like to receive some tips on how to organize it in an effective way.

Right now, my idea is to organize it in the following sections:

  • Abstract - Briefly introduce the topic of the thesis explaining what will be covered next.
  • State of the art - Introduction to the topic of machine learning, in particular reinforcement learning (how much in detail should I go since there is a section dedicated to the agents?)
  • Tools - A list of all the tools used. Basically the simulator and some machine learning libraries.
  • Simulation - Explain in details how the simulation works. That is, how the robotic system physically works.
  • Environment - Explain the environment is structured. That is, how the robotic system is controlled. (should this be merged with "Simulation"?)
  • Agents - Explain how the different RL algorithms work in detail.
  • Results - A lot of plots and tables and some explanations regarding the results of the training of the different algorithms.
  • Conclusion - What I've done, what I've not, what could be done better in the future.

This question could be opinion based but exist some common rules when writing a thesis of which I'm not fully aware. I'm more interested in the latter but of course, if you want to share your opinion it will be welcomed.

  • Every person's thesis in different fields will be different. At first glance, this seems like an okay organization. I suggest talking to your university's writing center (or similarly named thing) - the people there are trained to help you in the writing process. Commented Nov 10, 2018 at 18:04
  • 1
    To add to the comment of @SeanRoberson, or just go to the university library and look through a few recent theses from your institution. You can also run your outline past your advisor, which is probably the smartest thing to do.
    – Buffy
    Commented Nov 10, 2018 at 18:40
  • Thank you both for your suggestions. I'll do as soon as possible.
    – gvgramazio
    Commented Nov 10, 2018 at 18:42
  • Look at how other theses in the field are organized, how your advisor’s previous students’ theses are organized, and ask your advisor for recommendations. Commented Nov 11, 2018 at 15:15


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