I am working on writing my PhD thesis after four long years of work. I'm writing the hypothesis sections, and I am finding it extremely hard to write one single hypothesis that is comprehensive and specific enough without using vague wording. Can I have three hypotheses for my thesis?
For background: my work is in medical informatics, and my thesis work can be divided into three steps:
- I evaluated existing models in the literature against our hospital's dataset using a novel approach and demonstrated that their performance is not great;
- I developed my own model, which is better;
- I implemented it in the hospital, with decent results.
Can I have those three as hypotheses? [1) existing models perform worse than X; 2) a model that is X% better can be built using machine learning; and 3) implementing a model in the hospital can lead to XYZ]? Or do I have to find just one overarching hypothesis and make those three the goals?