I submitted a manuscript to one of a popular Indian civil engineering journal 6 months back. They haven't given any comments yet. Is it advisable to follow up them via. mail.?

  • This question has been asked in various guises a lot. The short answer is "yes". If you hear nothing at all after confirmation of submission, ~1 month should be enough to ask for a status update.
    – Allure
    Commented Feb 13, 2018 at 4:20

1 Answer 1


yes. you can. but do not over do it. and pls note the editor is not bound to reply. he may do so courteously. but instead of 1 month blank, find the average time cycle for that journal (every journal has different response times) and wait twice or thrice the same. some journals have query/ redressal links; pls use them before email. use email as last resort

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