Looking for your advice on best practices on how to avoid conflicts of research.
The facts:
- Researcher is a director of a research institute on campus.
- Researcher has a start-up company involved in same research as his university research.
- Researcher uses this company as a way to get Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer (SBIR/STTR) grants to fund his lab under subcontracts.
- Researcher has company located on campus in university sponsored incubator.
Researcher employs a post-doc and shares this post doc with his company – funding of post-doc is 50/50 between the company and his research center.
Researcher's lab members go between his lab and the company lab space freely.
- Researcher is interested in submitting closely related grants through his research center and through his company as SBIR/STTR.
What are best practices or rules to put in place to minimize conflicts of interest in such a scenario?