After submitting my paper to a reputable journal, the editor-in-chief sent me the following e-mail:
I am writing to let you know that I have briefly read your paper. It appears
that your submission is better suited to (and will be better appreciated by) the
IEEE Transactions on X, or Y. I am, therefore, recommending that you submit it there.
Both recommendations are also reputable journals and since the work is inter-disciplinary, such a reply does not surprise me very much.
However, I wonder if I can interpret this also as a kind of quality evaluation for my work, because after all she recommended high-impact-factor journals? Or am I reading to much into this and the only message is that this is off-topic for the particular journal.
In other words, is this a common type of response or do editors base their responses also on the quality of the work (e.g. recommending lower ranked journals, conferences or straight forward not to publish anywhere)?