I hold two bachelors degree and after that went straight to finish a PhD degree. I have recently landed as a postdoc in a German university in the region Rhineland-Palatinate.
During the hiring process the administration started complaining about me not having a master degree. My postdoc advisor intervened skillfully and arranged that if my bachelor studied credits added up to a German bachelor plus master then I could be hired, as it happened.
The process was real quick but when signing the contract they tell me I would be in Stufe 1, not counting the 4 years of my PhD. Then they tell me with the agreement of my advisor they could modify this. I got his agreement.
Today, they told me that in fact they cannot count the PhD with the following reason
Thank you for the documents. However, we can only recognize professional experience if you have completed the degree required for employment. This usually corresponds to a Master's degree. Since we do not have a Master's degree in your case, we have to take the doctorate as the required degree and can therefore only recognize the professional experience from June 2023. You will therefore remain in Stufe 1, but remaining periods will be recognized for you, which will allow you to move into Stufe 2 early.
The question of course is how can I negotiate with the administration.