As the title states. I recently submitted a manuscript for one of the flagship journals of Springer.
Not long after, I received information that they used my work for their external recruiting process (edit: as in they were hiring for staff), meaning that my paper got leaked to random strangers. This information did not come from them, by the way - it just so happens that one of their candidates was my colleague.
It is my understanding that they are not supposed to do that. We usually transfer copyrights upon acceptance, which means that they are not allowed to distribute my work before then. There are other ethical issues at play, but this is the most pressing one for me.
Now I am concerned that someone might just steal my work, while it simmers during a lengthy peer review. My office forbade me to put in open repositories because of patent issues.
Realistically speaking, what are my options here? Or do I have no rights in this case and next time should just choose another publisher?