Looking for interesting conferences I stumbled upon some remarks that there were presented papers and distributed papers at a conference session. This distinction was new to me, so I did some web searches: It turns out that this is pretty common among the International Sociological Association and the European Sociological Association. According to one of their Conference FAQs a "distributed paper is a written paper which the author(s) brings along to the session to distribute to those attending" in contrast to an actually presented paper.
Of course, it is an individual cost–benefit analysis whether that kind of a conference contribution is worth the effort (and fees), but it is hard to do the math withouth any experiences what I could expect from such a conference contribution.
Do you have experience with this format? I am especially interested in:
- What kind of feedback (quantity and quality) can I expect from a distributed paper?
- In comparison to a poster or a normal presentation, what could be advantages of a distributed paper for the "distributor"?
- Do you have suggestions how I could optimize a "distributed paper" to get better feedback (or feedback at all)?