I am learning to use bibtex/jabref in the context of a literature review and would like to cite the following report:
The report is compiled by the USACE (US Army Corps of Engineers) and does not have an explicit author. In the summary report it is mentioned that this report was a result of "workshops" with a "panel" of experts. It includes the expert's names however no indication whether they actually contributed to writing the report itself.
The way I'm logging this into JabRef is as follows:
author = {{US Army Corps of Engineers}},
title = {North Atlantic Coast Comprehensive: resilient adaptation to increasing risk physical depth damage function summary report},
institution = {US Army Corps of Engineers},
year = {2015},
file = {:10A_PhysicalDepthDmgFxSummary_26Jan2015.pdf:PDF},
However, I'm a bit annoyed that I have to mention USACE in two distinct required fields, namely the author and the institution. Is there a more correct way to cite "authorless" technical reports using bibtex/jabref? Perhaps this is not a technical report at all?
Thanks in advance for your help