I'm writing an article containing one main theorem, with the other results essentially corollaries of that theorem. The largest part of the article is thus spend proving this main theorem.
It feels natural to me to write the prove as one long "story", most of which is told outside of "proof environments". So something like this
bla bla, consider this and that construction. Notice that bla bla. But we saw before that such and such, and conclude:
Proposition 5: (concisely write down the conclusion from the arguments laid out above)
(there is no proof environment here, the "proof" was essentially given in the block of text above the proposition) Keeping this mind, we now observe that bla bla...............
So this style results in a section without any actual proof environments, and propositions/lemma's in the section are essential "milestones" in the argument.
Is this style frowned upon, or considered annoying/difficult to read? To me it feels more natural than the more common style of mostly just a string of lemma's leading to a theorem.