I have finished an undergraduate programme in Biology, and went on to do a Masters in Global Health.
The problem is that I don't really have any articles of thesis to show. My undergraduate programme didn't have the option to do a thesis (I assumed all undergrad programmes did, so I didn't look into it before joining). I did a thesis for the Masters, but it wasn't that great. My supervisor at the time took on too many students and couldn't give us proper directions. I guess he assumed we knew what we were doing, but I hadn't had previous experience so I had no clue (he was also banned from being a supervisor for my course afterwards as a lot of students under him were failing due to lack of guidance). I actually finished it, passed and managed to graduate, but it is not good and I wouldn't submit it to a new study.
Needless it is to say, I also don't have any letters of recommendations. I'm quite introverted and, although there were a few tutors and lecturers who knew me, none did any major works with me and I didn't ask for letters of recommendation.
I'm currently working at a non-academic field, to do with Health Policies, but I want to go back to an academic field. I'm at a loss of what to do though.
I was wondering if it would be possible at all to do a PhD or research position (mostly because there are more paid positions or grants for these), or if it would be best for me to do another masters (only reason why I hesitate is that they are very costly). Or maybe I should approach some old teachers and ask for recommendation letters? I could ask some from my current manager at work, but then he would take it as me wanting to quit my job, not a good move until I do have something lined up.
Anybody has advice? I'm based in Europe, btw.
TLDR: have an undergrad and masters, but no (quality) thesis, and no letters of recommendation. Working a job, want to go to academia. Which routes could I take?