Where to apply for MSc depending on GPA?
However, it also matters where you are coming from (easy to get 4.0 in some schools). For more info take a look at this.
Where to apply for MSc depending on GPA?
I assume you are talking about the US since you mentioned MIT? You need to look at the individual departments'/universities' websites and look for their past admission averages.For example here is MIT. Looks like to get into EECS for an MSc they require about 3.27GPA/4.0.
In IEEE conferences is it necessary run the simulation in front of the members?
@msw, I can't not agree especially as someone who lost the entire HDD (with both of my partitions...) a month ago, but since I backed everything crucial (code) up, it wasn't a big deal. I mean, it was annoying to reinstall everything. As far as the original question is concerned though, I would follow the "if you cannot replicate, don't publish it" mantra. Far too often have I found great results in publications that absolutely do not work as well when implemented.
How to demonstrate programming knowledge in CV, while applying to academia and industry?
Maybe a bit off-topic, but I would advise against calling Matlab a programming language in your CV - it is a scripting language, and you might upset some very peculiar people if you claim it to be a programming language. As for an on-topic advice - I would put it under your current employment/project experience as part of what you did.
Supervisor seems to be abusing me?
You need to talk to the PI... If you don't like what the PhD student is making you do, and you want to change that, you can't just wait for something to happen. Go talk to the PI and explain whole situation from your point of view. You should not be working 12-16 hour days as a summer student anyways, particularly if there is no one else in the lab (my university has a rule about working alone in labs). That is not safe, nor is it healthy.
Can I apply for a masters' if I already have one? (USA/Canada)
You might also consider online courses if you just want to learn some more advanced theory. Take a look at Coursera or Udacity, they offer quite a bit.
Search for a WYSIWYG, non-latex Online collaborative paper writing Tool
Doesn't really answer your question, but with regards to "as long as it lets me put equation number on it" - I just set mine up to automatically number equations and it works quite well. I used this tutorial, but I'm sure there are others as well.
How do I deal with Academic dishonesty when the university does not have an Academic Policy?
From the link in OP's post, it looks like this is in India. I would have to agree with the suggestion to transfer. However, from some past posts (here and elsewhere), the academic dishonesty does not seem to be all that uncommon, so I am not sure how much of a difference a transfer will make.
Am I allowed to do the work for a research assistant (RA) without having been awarded an assistantship?
Your title and the post are kind of different questions. In the title you're asking about being allowed to work without funding, and in the post about whether you should. Could you clarify please?
Why are cumulative tests typically weighted so high (U.S.)?
@MrDuk, well, how would you propose they regulate projects/assignments so that students don't cheat? Even out of class discussions with lab mates/colleagues/other students would constitute help, and you cannot just lock students in separate rooms for the entire semester with no access to the internet. You can use the projects/assignments to get practice with the components taught in class, but they are not a replacement (usually) for studying the actual material in depth.