Per APA 7, if an article has an article number, use that instead of a page range. For those instances when an article number is not easily identifiable, can you reliably decipher it from the doi?
For example, here is an entry with a doi for an article from Taylor & Francis.
Bédard-Thom, C., Guay, F., & Trottier, C. (2020). Mental toughness in sport: The Goal Expectancy-Self-Control (GES) model. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 7(3), 1-17.
I am editing a paper, not its author. A page range that starts with "1" is often (not always) an indicator that there is an article number.
Having tried other ways to determine if there really is an article number, my next step would be to look at the PDF, except I do not have access to it.
I have noticed that sometimes the final digits in the DOI are also often associated with an article number. Would this be reliably true for Taylor & Francis, i.e., so I could confidently use the last digits of the DOI as (in this case) "Article 1808736"?