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Can I keep my PhD thesis chapter intro as is when publishing it as an article if another article was published in the meantime that paraphrases it?

I graduated from my PhD in 2019 and published my thesis online. Just before COVID I submitted an article based on a thesis chapter, but because of life getting in the way I was unable to finish it and ...
user195539's user avatar
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How do you reference a dissertation that is turned into a book?

I recently reconfigured my dissertation to publish as a book. How do you properly cite, reference, or acknowledge the original dissertation (or is that even necessary)? I obviously want to avoid self-...
VMIsrv's user avatar
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2 answers

If I publish my Master's Thesis in a journal can I still write a book my topic about later?

I've recently completed my Master's Thesis (and I'm a little proud of it). I'm interested in publishing my findings in a journal, but I'd also like to expand on my ideas and write a book for a wider ...
Harrison's user avatar
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how one is not accused of plagiarism when including an article in a MSc thesis? [duplicate]

Let us suppose that I am following my MSc studies. At the end of my compulsory courses I have an accepted article for being presented in a conference with my advisor. For graduating, I need to prepare ...
Layla's user avatar
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Phd Thesis vs 5 years publications documentation [duplicate]

I am doing my PhD in data mining and I want to start writing my thesis. Is there any acceptable percentage of similarities between the final thesis and the used published research to create the final ...
Krebto's user avatar
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can I take parts from my thesis (different language) to be used in a paper without paraphrasing?

My PhD thesis is in French, can I take parts from it, just translate them to English (without any paraphrasing) and use them in my next paper? would this cause any plagiarism issues?
David's user avatar
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64 votes
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Paper was rejected for high similarity with parts of my own dissertation

My PhD thesis consisted of two published papers and one submitted paper embedded in some additional framing. For completion of my PhD, I had to upload my thesis to the servers of our academic library, ...
offeltoffel's user avatar
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Self-plagiarism in Publication-based commentary PhD thesis? [duplicate]

I am writing a publication-based PhD thesis, and the thesis will not be publicly accessible once has been finished due to classified data included. The thesis is not the traditional sandwiched thesis, ...
Elizabeth's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

To include part of a published paper in a dissertation?

Context It's becoming common in the natural sciences for grad students to include papers they have previously published as part of their dissertation as a "sandwich thesis" or "stapled ...
jvriesem's user avatar
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Revising thesis into a publication : Can I use the same language or must I paraphrase?

I'm in the process of revising my MA thesis for a publication. I am not clear whether I can just copy and paste information from my thesis and do minimal revisions, or I should paraphrase my thesis to ...
user96976's user avatar
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Self-plagiarism of thesis for public report

I am writing a non-academic report based on the research I did for my PhD thesis. The report is a condition of the funding that supported my research. It is non-academic and will be published publicly....
doctorer's user avatar
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3 answers

Citing a previously unpublished master’s thesis, can I simply use part of my thesis to apply to a conference?

I wrote my master’s thesis which looked at something through two different lenses using two different datasets. I want to use one of those angles to submit a paper to a conference, and potentially the ...
academiahelpnow's user avatar
5 votes
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Including Results in Dissertation Before Publication in a Journal

I am in the final phase of my Ph.D. research. I need to defend my thesis before my fellowship funding runs out in a few months. I won't have time to carefully prepare and polish my results for ...
cwest's user avatar
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Writing PhD thesis by copying and pasting paragraphs from publications I authored or co-authored: is this plagiarism? [duplicate]

I'm planning to write my PhD thesis about the work I authored or co-authored in published journal. In this case, is it okay to simply copy and paste the paragraph from the paper to my thesis? Is this ...
user10694's user avatar
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21 votes
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How to avoid self-plagiarism when adapting dissertation into a paper?

I have recently completed a dissertation and have been encouraged to publish the work. My dilemma is that I find it quite difficult (and painfully tedious) to rewrite the same thing couched in new ...
songololo's user avatar
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35 votes
2 answers

Can I use the work in my journal/conference publications as chapters in my dissertation?

At my institution, I am required to publish four papers in addition to my PhD thesis. Of course my planned papers are related to my dissertation project, but I'm not sure if it could be considered ...
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