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22 votes
3 answers

A female professor was found responsible for sexual harassment – what can happen to the signatories of a letter in support of her?

The New York Times article reported a female professor at New York University was found to be responsible for sexual harassment of a male student. There's a letter of support for this professor, sent ...
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86 votes
7 answers

Should I take threats from a former professor seriously?

Some Context: A member of my MA thesis committee, for whom I was also a GA (graduate assistant), threatened me several times while I was still in my masters program (last year). For example, she ...
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3 answers

What should be done about a professor who treats foreign students worse than domestic students?

My school and my department has a lot of undergraduate students from China. When I took this instructor's class, he routinely pressured the foreign students to answer questions about their home ...
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128 votes
13 answers

Should professors intervene if a student is wearing offensive clothing in their classroom?

A question about university dress codes reminded me of an incident that happened when I was an undergrad, in which a classmate came to school wearing a really offensive and misogynistic t-shirt. I ...
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