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33 votes
3 answers

How would one fail a master thesis defense?

So I have to defend my master thesis in computer science in two weeks. It's in Germany and the thesis is 30 credits. I'm wondering what could make someone fail his defense? In my thesis I mainly ...
Jack Twain's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

I conceptually understand a result, but not its mathematical implementation – how can I defend using it?

There is a particular result from another author that I wanted to use in my research which is a central component to my research question (it’s an animal’s growth rate). However, deriving the results ...
GrayLiterature's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Having a co-author as an external examiner for doctoral thesis defense

I'm a PhD student in Computer Science in the UK. I had co-authored a paper with a Lecturer from another university (not any of my supervisors, just someone's work I'm building upon) in my first year. ...
user1953384's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What are the most important things to include in your thesis defense presentation?

If you are creating a simulator of the existing system then should you present the details about the system or your simulator? or both? How technical you should go in your defense presentation? I ...
statboy's user avatar
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