Linked Questions

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How does everyone do their lterature reviews? [duplicate]

I have to do a literature review and have never done one before. What are some methods to do this?
Christian Saucier's user avatar
94 votes
9 answers

Am I reading enough of the scientific literature? Should I read for breadth or depth?

Ever since starting graduate school I've tried to make scientific reading a part of my daily ritual; I track pages read using Beeminder, and the graph doesn't lie. It keeps me honest. I aim to ...
jurassic's user avatar
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How to develop your own argument in a literature review?

In a literature review, we look at recent publications and put what other researchers have said in this context. However, how can I develop my own argument? Should I write it with my own words or ...
Saqqaf's user avatar
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How to write and publish a literature review [closed]

In Computer Science, you find yourself overwhelmed by the huge number of literature available over a certain subject. I searched online on how to proceed and write a literature review (in a way that ...
AnarKi's user avatar
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How does one ensure their knowledge of a field is complete when doing a literature review

I am a new grad student who is both excited and scared as I embark on this transformational journey. One concern that I have is establishing a current snap shot of my field and identifying boundaries ...
TheCodeNovice's user avatar
8 votes
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What strategies are there for finding literature for a literature survey when the terminology used is diverse?

I want to write a literature survey on a topic, let's say it's risk of crime due to a new technology, let's say due to the Gutenberg press. However, when I search for the overall theme (crime and "...
Dr. Thomas C. King's user avatar
6 votes
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Are Systematic Reviews Efficient To Familiarize Yourself With The State-of-the-Art?

Problem I have to familiarize myself with a new sub-field fast, to the point where I can recommend an agenda/recommendation for further research. I thought about doing a systematic literature review ...
nonthevisor's user avatar
6 votes
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How to find related work in academic writing in the most time-efficient way?

I noticed that, for each research project, there comes a point where I have to consult the literature, and find all the previous research related to the current project. Unfortunately, I seem to be ...
FirefoxMetzger's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to manage literature when writing a dissertation/paper [duplicate]

How do you manage (workflow) writing the literature review for a paper or a dissertation? Unfortunately my current method of going on binge reading stretches while scribbling notes on random bits of ...
Rooirokbokkie's user avatar
2 votes
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How to broadly assess the state of research for a topic? [duplicate]

This is coming from a non-PhD, please help me out: If I have a broad interest in a topic, and I want to assess what are the current (in the last 5 years I guess) high-impact research done in said ...
buitri84's user avatar