I am finishing up my master's in mathematical finance and am hoping to pursue a PhD in stochastic analysis.
I was given a sample PhD proposal from an education office that helps people apply for universities in the UK and some other countries (some of those countries require specifically a PhD proposal so you can tell that the US is not one of them). I was told I should look at PhD proposals outside of my field and thus was given something in Chemistry.
Relevant links at this point:
As mathematicians do not really collect data or conduct experiments for their research, I think I should countersuggest something in theoretical physics, theoretical computer science or something of the sort. Do you think that's okay? What would you suggest?
phd proposal theoretical
yields: ifsc.usp.br/~hoyos/Thesis_Alet.pdf They all seem to be at most a few pages long, and it probably wouldn't hurt just skimming a bunch of these before you have a good idea of what you need to do.