I was reading Clinical Chemistry Guide to Scientific Writing Series. One of the articles is titled: “If an IRDAM Journal Is What You Choose, Then Sequential Results Are What You Use”.

I have encountered this term in this site also. Can anybody explain this term?

A Google search asks ”Did you mean: IRDA Journal”

In the article I linked, it is explained as "Introduction, Results, Discussion, and Methods". I understand its meaning as this readily. What I would like to know following points.

  • Which type of journal articles are suitable for this style?
  • Which branches of academic endorse its usage?
  • Are there any other such styles exists?
  • Are there any other abbreviations exists?
  • finally but not least, why should I follow this type of sequence?

1 Answer 1


If you look at this article, you can see that IRDAM is an acronym for Introduction, Results, Discussion, and Methods. IRDAM is a style/format of presenting results in publications.

Quote from the article:

The IRDAM format requires a substantial change in how the Results section is organized. Because the methods are listed at the end of the paper, or online, the reader is not exposed to details of the experimental protocols and methods before the results are presented.

See also,

The format used by many high-impact basic research journals, such as Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Journal of Clinical Investigation, and Journal of Cell Biology, is arranged so that the Results section immediately follows the Introduction. The Methods section is placed at the end, or it may even be published as a supplemental data file.

  • 2
    I’ll just comment to say that I love this IRDAM format (but I didn't know of the acronym)… It makes papers so much more readable to the non-expert, while retaining all the information needed.
    – F'x
    Commented Oct 11, 2012 at 7:44

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