I wrote my bachelor thesis about a topic that recently deserved a lot of attention because of global media and geopolitical development (See Title below [1]). Therefore I know would like to publish it. But because I changed my research field from European Studies to Sustainable Development, I am not in the right networks anymore to get official assistance with the publication and I am not really aiming for a peer-reviewed paper either. But I still would like my finding to be "out there". Therefore reach is also my priority. If possible I would of course not be upset, if I could be financially reward-ed for each download, but that is rather a minor priority and bonus.
So far, I have found and considered platforms like StackExchange, Scribd, reddit, Academia, ResearchGate or LinkedIn. And now I would like to get some insights from practitioners or experienced academics what to do. Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I have decided to go with GRIN now. Thanks for all people commenting and taking time. [2]
[1] "Theories of Democracy in Comparison: The Russian Case - Output-oriented Legitimacy, Defect Democracy, Political Culture, Path Dependence and Public Opinion" - Why would Russians, interested in democracy, vote for Putin, while being aware that he is not beneficial for a democratic future of the country?
[2] Theories of Democracy in Comparison: The Russian Case. Output-oriented Legitimacy, Defect Democracy, Political Culture, Path Dependence and Public Opinion, Bachelor Thesis, 2013.