I am writing my PhD application statements now. I have sentences such as
The way in which compactness is employed to reason about ℂn using fields of finite characteristic exemplifies much of what has captivated my interest in this area.
I am beginning a senior thesis this spring with Dr. Weissman on using the asymptotic reals to better understand representations of SL(n, ℝ) algebraically.
A grad student friend of mine suggested I replace the mathematical notation here with "complex affine space" and "the special linear group over the reals" respectively. Is this a standard convention or substantially preferred? I like the way the math looks more, and its very minimal.
I am not too worried about clarity (in this case), the three instances of formulas appearing in my statement should be readily understood by anyone on the admissions committee. I was told that it is bad form to include the symbols, and I wanted to know if this is true as it seems unbelievable to me. Thanks!