I’ve received an academic misconduct (yes my fault) which will result in an F in the course and a term suspension. However, they take a very long time to issue a punishment and so oftentimes you’ll pass the class with your original grade but later on they’ll make you fail it. The issue is I’ve already applied to another university before this and I was wondering what would happen if I get accepted and transfer universities with my current transcript of me not failing the course which they may receive if I’m not issued a punishment in time? Would the other uni carry out the same punishment? Would they care? Would my first university go out of their way to suspend me at my other university?

I didn’t apply as a way to avoid this. I’ve hated this major very much and I applied to other universities to leave the program and pursue something of my interest and when I received the allegation I was actually relieved that I didn’t have to do it anymore. However, I remembered my applications and now I’m confused as to what could happen.

  • 17
    You didn't "receive an academic misconduct" which I assume refers to some official notation/sanction, you committed academic misconduct and got caught. I think it would be helpful to start by recognizing the importance of that difference in how you think about and discuss your past behavior. The question you are posing here sounds to me a lot like "How can I get away with it?" which I am guessing is not a question many people are interested in helping with.
    – Bryan Krause
    Commented Apr 18 at 18:22

1 Answer 1


When a student transfers into my university (in the USA), the transcript they get from us only says which courses they took elsewhere (and which university) but not their grades. So, when a transfer student graduates and needs to give their transcripts to future employers or grad school, they must ALSO give the transcript from the place they left.

In your case, once the academic misconduct sanction is applied, it will be reflected in the transcript of the place you left.

Similarly, if you get accepted to a second university now as a transfer student, they will probably want the latest transcripts from your current place. So it is likely that they will learn of your academic misconduct. They might care, but the only punishment they could give you would be to withdraw your acceptance. I doubt that would happen. And the first university has no power to punish you once you're at the second university.

All that said, I agree with Bryan Krause's comment that you should try to shift your mindset to actually take personal responsibility for the bad thing you did, learn your lesson, and resolve not to do that bad thing again. Many students get caught cheating. Many universities in the US and Canada have a tiered system of punishments, so that first offenses receive a rather mild punishment, but later offenses receive a stiffer punishment, because students really should have known better and did not seem to have learned from the first offense. Try to learn from it and do better in the future, rather than blaming the major you hated (but chose) or trying to hide that you were caught cheating.

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