The Question:
How do I reframe getting an MPhil instead of a PhD the first time round, in the context of applying for a mathematical postdoc?
I tried for a PhD in group theory at respectable university in England; however, the pandemic, a lack of funding, and the onset of schizophrenia meant I had to leave with an MPhil. I got a paper out of it in a pretty good (Q2) journal. The project, I feel, was taken as far as it could have been, given the state of the art: the open cases were similar to those in related endeavours.
It feels like a failure. It took me five years full-time to get that MPhil (though around a year of that time was spent off for health issues); typically, a two year degree. I passed my viva with minor corrections.
Currently, I am studying for a PhD, again in group theory, at a university in Scotland. I'm in my second year. (Since this is a UK degree, the maximum duration, as you might know, is four years.)
I still have schizophrenia.
Why ask?
I want to prepare for postdoctoral applications early. I did my best here to put the MPhil in a good light (bar thinking of it as a failure) but it feels inadequate.
Application committees are likely to ask about the MPhil.
The most I can say at the moment is: it just wasn't the right time for me. That's a platitude, sure, but it applies.