Yesterday, I received a permanent lectureship offer from a UK university whose job description explicitly included two points:
1- The research workload and teaching workload are %80 and %20, respectively.
2- They assign a Ph.D. student to me for the first year of my affiliation (before I have even attracted money for my future research)
I had clearly discussed these points during the interview, and the chair of the committee verbally confirmed them. Today, I had a meeting with a HR member about the contract, but she said they will not bring these two points in their contract since their contracts are generic. She instead said the university may offer a letter in which these two is noted. I don't know what that letter could be, but I am clearly concerned that when I start, I would get bombarded by a lot of teaching if the first subject is not cemented in the contract. The second one may also be ignored by them in a similar vein.
Overall, it seems they openly disregard the coverage of the subjects of their job description. Is that common practice in UK and one may trust them not to violate those subjects in the future, or it is a red flag?