I need advice. I started working on this project as a phd student, my advisor was the first author. It took a really long time for the project to get ready, and now I’m at another institution. While revising the paper, the first author suddenly stopped communicating. He would respond after several reminders, said he was busy, he had Covid, then long Covid, etc. This made the revision a 2-year process. Finally we got to the point that we were happy with the paper and he was supposed to submit, but 3 months have passed and he hasn’t submitted the paper, nor does he respond to my emails.
I am the second author but I have spent a lot of time on the project and contributed much more to the revision. Should I move on and just assume I never knew this guy or had a project with him? Can I submit the paper if he doesn’t respond? Do second authors even have the right to do so?