I have recently submitted an EU grant proposal, the chances are low as it is very competitive, and I have just come across another fellowship (UK based) which is actually more suited to my field but the deadline is in a few days. Can I apply with the same research project proposal?

Before, anyone suggests, I checked similar questions: this thread is not useful as the funding organization is the same for them (not for me): Can one submit overlapping grant proposals?

  • 5
    Do the organizations have any rules where this is covered?
    – user111388
    Commented Sep 15, 2020 at 17:06
  • Nothing in the guidelines, it only mentions that I can't submit two very similar research proposals (even if they are years apart) - I would need to revise/edit, also I believe it goes in a turn it in check, e.g. is the text taken as is from published work etc.
    – dusa
    Commented Sep 15, 2020 at 17:49
  • It entirely depends on the institution's rules. Best to call them. Commented Sep 15, 2020 at 18:18
  • Organizational rules may cover part of the answer, but I'd also be curious about etiquette. This feels like submitting the same manuscript to two different journals at the same time, which is a big no-no whether or not the journal organizations are different. Is this a situation where you should withdraw one proposal application before submitting another? Commented Sep 15, 2020 at 18:44
  • 1
    What kind of grant is that? If it is, say, a Marie Curie, then this is an exclusive grant which funds you fully - you can only have one of those. In that case, there is no issue in applying in several places and finally only taking up one of those.
    – user151413
    Commented Sep 15, 2020 at 20:44

1 Answer 1


You can propose for the same topic/ideas. But the EU and UK application process (even applications within the same "country") are different and they look for different things for you to submit. So you can and should reuse old proposals (as no one has the time to make completely new proposals for every submission) as a "base" but they do need to be tailored for each submission. For instance the relative amount of space you have to write about method/novelty/timeliness/impact etc as well as practical things like page limits, page format, supporting documentation etc.

Given most proposals are also for different lengths of time/number of people proposals gain differences even if they cover the same area.

There can be limits about whether you can have multiple applications at the same time, but applications will be explicit about the limits in the supporting documentation. If your not sure ask your university research grants team as they know the details inside and out.

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