Assuming you are thinking of a review volume: you'll need to tell the editor of the review volume you are able to contribute, and the editor needs to choose you to contribute. Problem is of course you might not know there's a review volume being planned for the topic (they don't usually solicit contributions publicly).
Your best chance is to either be the editor yourself or to be well-known enough that anyone putting together a review volume will invite you. If you want to do the former, you'll need to put together a publication proposal and try to convince a publisher to agree. This will not be trivial; you'll need to show you are indeed an authority in the field. In the same way, if you are an authority in the field then there's a good chance someone putting together a review volume will invite you anyway.
Either way, review volumes aren't something for which it is trivial to contribute. If you don't have any contacts, you're stuck - no reputable publisher will publish your chapter. That said, if you really want, you could self-publish or put a manuscript on the arXiv or something, but it won't carry as much impact.