This question is partially related to this question.
By trying to understand which one is the correct way to grade an exam I came out with this doubt. Should each exam be considered as independent or should a mark be assigned based on the other students' performance.
As an example
- if all the students final exams are from 80% to 100% correct should be considered the fact that the exam was too easy while grading it?
- if all the students final exams are from 30% to 60% correct should be considered the fact that maybe the exam was too hard while grading it?
To resume, while preparing/grading the exams should the results respect somehow the normal distribution or should each one be graded independently?
Based on my career as a student for every exam we had statistical results from all the students (min, max, avg) with the grades distribution. Most of them respected the normal distribution. So what it is not clear to me is if it depends on how the teacher create the exam, on how it is graded or just on how usually students perform.