Every once in a while I come across some really well-written review articles. They do not review a field of study and provide insane amounts of references to previous work; rather, they review a narrow topic, an experimental method, or a concept, in a way such that simple-minded MSc students - like myself - can understand the topic. Basically, they have written a sub-section in a textbook, but on a topic where the theory has yet to make it to a textbook.
One of these articles, Berera et al. (2009), categorized their paper as an "educational review". This is a genre I would pay to read more of, but I just stumble upon these every once in a while. It seems the term "educational review" is not a very common term for such reviews, and I always end up in journals reviewing methods in lower/higher educational.
So I ask here whether anyone know how to locate these educational reviews that I look for, or whether there is another term I can use more efficiently. I would really appreciate some assistance. My field of interest is anything chemistry-related.
Berera, van Grondelle, and Kennis (2009). Ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy: principles and application to photosynthetic systems. Photosynthesis Research 101(2-3): 105-118.