If you want to increase your chances of getting selected as a referee, I suggest improving your visibility in a few ways. Editors use many sources to get referee names, some of which you can control.
Make sure you are visible on the internet, and that it is clear what are your areas of expertise. An editor may well look to names listed in a paper's references or try names suggested by an author or some other mathematician declining to referee, but before sending you email they likely will verify who you are and what sort of mathematician you are. If you are hard to find you may get passed over.
Many (most?) mathematics journal editors are ordinary professors, and you will meet them in conferences. If you ask questions at talks, and more generally show interest in mathematics not directly related to your latest research, then your name might stick in their mind. Make sure to attend conferences, even virtually, assuming that you are able to do so. The list of attendees at a conference where an author presents is an obvious list of candidates.
I agree with @Scott Seidman that it might be worth mentioning to someone like your PhD advisor and let them know you would be interested in refereeing. Editors tend to overwork the names they know, partly in hope that the person they know will suggest a younger name the editor did not know.
In summary, it is about networking, which can help your career in many ways. Just be careful, or you will be asked to organize conferences, referee papers, serve on editorial boards, serve on funding panels, and too much of that is a problem early in your career.