As part of a thesis, I paraphrased a text from a peer-reviewed research paper and cited it at the end. But one of my friends thinks it's plagiarism. I wonder if anyone can make a comparison between the source and paraphrased sentences and let me know if that can be considered plagiarism.
Main source
Resorption begins with the migration of partially differentiated mononuclear preosteoclasts to the bone surface where they form multinucleated osteoclasts. After the completion of osteoclastic resorption, there is a reversal phase when mononuclear cells appear on the bone surface. These cells prepare the surface for new osteoblasts to begin bone formation and provide signals for osteoblast differentiation and migration. The formation phase follows with osteoblasts laying down bone until the resorbed bone is completely replaced by new. When this phase is complete, the surface is covered with flattened lining cells and a prolonged resting period begins until a new remodeling cycle is initiated. The stages of the remodeling cycle have different lengths. Resorption probably continues for about 2 weeks, the reversal phase may last up to 4 or 5 weeks, while formation can continue for 4 months until the new bone structural unit is completely created.
Paraphrased text
The migration of partly differentiated mononuclear preosteoclasts to the bone surface, where they become multinucleated osteoclasts (OCs), starts the resorption process. There is a reversal process after osteoclastic resorption is complete, where mononuclear cells emerge on the bone surface. These cells provide cues for osteoblast (OBs) differentiation and migration, as well as preparing the surface for new osteoblasts to begin bone forming. Osteoblasts lay down bone until the resorbed bone is fully replaced by new bone in the development process. After this process, the surface is coated with flattened lining cells (LCs), and a long resting period occurs before a new remodeling cycle starts. The lengths of the steps in the remodeling period vary. The resorption process lasts around 2 weeks, the reversal period up to 4 or 5 weeks, and the forming phase up to 4 months before the new bone structure is fully formed \parencite{hadjidakis2006bone}.