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I have to provide a translated version of my abstract in my local country language. There are some concepts / names / acronyms that are also in my country language mostly used in english, for instance, Semantic Web. I think calling it in my local language does not make much sense because it is known under that term. What is the common way to handle this? Also if I want to abbreviate it with (STSW). Thanks for your help!

I have to provide a translated version of my abstract in my local country language. There are some concepts / names / acronyms that are also in my country language mostly used in english, for instance, Semantic Web. I think calling it in my local language does not make much sense because it is known under that term. What is the common way to handle this? Also if I want to abbreviate it with (ST). Thanks for your help!

I have to provide a translated version of my abstract in my local country language. There are some concepts / names / acronyms that are also in my country language mostly used in english, for instance, Semantic Web. I think calling it in my local language does not make much sense because it is known under that term. What is the common way to handle this? Also if I want to abbreviate it with (SW). Thanks for your help!

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How to handle well-known english acronyms and names for an abstract in the local language?

I have to provide a translated version of my abstract in my local country language. There are some concepts / names / acronyms that are also in my country language mostly used in english, for instance, Semantic Web. I think calling it in my local language does not make much sense because it is known under that term. What is the common way to handle this? Also if I want to abbreviate it with (ST). Thanks for your help!