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Regarding Post-Doctoral appointments, duties and job-hunt.

5 votes

Postdoc in the US : what salary should I ask for

First, it is important to understand that a visiting assistant professor position isn’t a postdoc in the sense that you are being hired primarily for research and based on your research background. T …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
16 votes

Why do departments fund PhD students instead of postdocs?

Furthermore, in the US, postdocs can be considerably more expensive than PhD students. … For these and other reasons, there's a widespread preference in the funding agencies for funding graduate students rather than postdocs. …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
8 votes

Advice about job applications in the US (mathematics)

I've participated in many searches over the years, and chaired search committees in each of the last two years. My institution is a smaller research intensive university that specializes only in the …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
4 votes

Late recommendation letter

Question 1: It depends. In my experience on hiring committees it means that no one will look at the applications until after November 1, that some industrious members of the committee will immediate …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
17 votes

How to manage relationship with post-doc supervisor when applying for a tenure-track positio...

In my experience supervising post-docs the goal has been to get the post-doc into a tenure-track position. I've seen post-docs apply for tenure track positions and get them before the end of our fund …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
10 votes

What are the pros and cons of pursuing a professorship without a post-doc?

If I have a decent number of journal publications as per my area of research, is pursuing a post-doc after PhD worth it before searching for a professorship? In many disciplines it is practic …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
2 votes

Where can I expect to receive responses to applications for jobs in math departments at univ...

You'll typically be contacted by email (you did include an email address in your applications?) In search committees that I've been involved with we also contact applicants by telephone if we don't g …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
10 votes

Is it acceptable to submit a postdoc fellowship application (same lab, same project) to two ...

It's quite common to submit proposals to multiple funding agencies at the same time. Most grant applications ask you if you are submitting the proposal to multiple funding agencies. You should note …
Brian Borchers's user avatar
11 votes

Should those more interested in research choose a postdoc or teaching position?

In my discipline, mathematics, there is a huge range of tenure track positions, from very strongly research oriented positions to positions that are entirely oriented towards teaching. Most new PhD's …
Brian Borchers's user avatar