Linked Questions

3 votes
3 answers

Are you unofficially a PhD holder after passing viva voce for PhD? [duplicate]

In my university, after passing a viva voce examination, it will take more than 3 months before the university issues an official letter/transcript/certificate to certify that one is officially a PhD ...
alex's user avatar
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Should I adress myself as a doctor (Ph.D.) when I am only waiting for the diploma to be signed? [duplicate]

I have publicly defended my doctoral thesis over a year ago now, and it is published online. I have also finished all the other doctoral studies that are required for a Ph.D. in my field (I have an ...
user116741's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I officially use the Ph.D. as the highest educational attainment while waiting for graduation? [duplicate]

I finished all the requirements for a Ph.D. degree at a university in Hong Kong. This month, I received a letter from our Graduate School confirming that the University Senate has approved my ...
Grass-fed Cow's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

How to address a doctoral candidate who is ABD (All but Dissertation)? Is "Dr" appropriate?

How does one address a doctoral candidate who completed all his/here requirements except the dissertation? Would they be referred to as Doctor? Or is there another title? In the past, I believe I've ...
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15 votes
5 answers

Whether to use Dr or Prof when addressing oneself in an email?

I feel awkward addressing myself as Dr. X or Prof X. I know that this is common practice (e.g. in emails, letters, etc..). In emails, I prefer to just use my initials or first name. Is this a common ...
marialopex's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

When does a PhD student officially stop being a PhD student?

When does a PhD student officially stop being a PhD student? To be more specific, are you no longer a PhD student when: you have submitted your PhD (and thus stopped working on it), been approved for ...
Peter Slattery's user avatar
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2 answers

What date should I use for graduation?

When graduating from a university in the UK you are often conferred with an award before the graduation ceremony. I am therefore seeking clarification as to what date should be written on documents ...
user1423893's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Ph.D. candidate vs Ph.D

I have already submitted my Ph.D. thesis to my committee and plan to defend my thesis. I want to prepare an updated CV. In my situation, what should I write in the CV: Ph.D. candidate or just ...
user40491's user avatar
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Can I call myself Dr. after getting provisional PhD certificate in India?

I have just passed my PhD final viva voce and got the provisional certificate for PhD in India. The provisional certificate states that "The candidate has passed the PhD viva voce examination and ...
Lishachulisha Magenta's user avatar