Context: I am asked for my career plans and aims for development after graduation if I were accepted into a PhD program in pure mathematics under government funding from Country A.
Dumb question: I want to go into academia after, but given that apparently academic jobs are in short supply especially in theoretical fields or something, how should I talk about my plans after the would-be PhD program?
I have 2 ideas with my anticipated pros and cons:
Idea 1:
Say only that I want to go into academia after.
- Con: Might be seen as immature like I don't have any backup plans, and I'm not aware of academic job shortages.
- Pro: Hopefully seen as committed to doing a PhD
Idea 2:
Say that I want to go into academia after but also [insert backup plan here which is based on my current career ever since I graduated master's in applied mathematics last year].
- Con: Might be seen as not that committed to doing a PhD or even not that sure of what I want to do after assuming the former isn't an issue
- Pro: Might be seen as mature like I'm aware of academic job shortages.
- Another pro: How I would state the backup plan might help convince Country A government that I am very interested to pursue PhD studies in Country A (well, besides, being a local applicant)