There are some general questions on this site about judging the reputability of journals in general:

I am interested in answers specific to mathematics, that may not have been raised in the other questions.

I received the following email from the "American Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics" ten days after submitting a paper online. How can I tell whether this is a reputable journal? In general, how can I tell whether a mathematics journal is reputable?

Dear Authors,

On behalf of the Chief Editor of the “American Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics” we are happy to inform you that your article entitled ‘A possible approach proof to proof the Riemann Hypothesis” is accepted for publication in (Jan-June 2015).

Please send DD/Cheque for US $ 250.00 payable to ‘ Vijay Kumar Jha ‘ to our address.

Our address: Vijay Kumar Jha Managing Editor c\o. ACADEMIC RESEARCH JOURNALS (INDIA)

4383/4A, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002

(M) 08826561892

We thank you very much for your contribution and encourage you to continue submitting your future.

Yours sincerely,

  • 4
    If I can ask, what led you to submit a paper to this journal? Commented Nov 28, 2014 at 1:06
  • 19
    The title of your paper is not too convincing. Commented Nov 28, 2014 at 1:11
  • 21
    In case the question does not get reopened soon, here is one easy tip: There are very few, if any, reputable math journals which require the author to pay for publication. Thus -- in mathematics -- if a journal asks you to pay, it is very likely that they are predatory. Commented Nov 28, 2014 at 1:32
  • 23
    An immediate cause of suspicion is that something calling itself the American Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics has a postal address in India. Commented Nov 28, 2014 at 10:59
  • 19
    Another immediate cause of suspicion that the article processing charge is payable by a cheque made out in an individual's name. Does "Academic Research Journals" not have a company bank account? Commented Nov 28, 2014 at 13:27

2 Answers 2


For academic mathematicians, it's not so hard to avoid predatory journals. We have a sense of the journals that we "typically" publish in, and the journals we "aspire" to publish in, and we stick mostly to these journals. For journals we don't know yet, we can ask colleagues to get their opinion. One (possibly unfortunate) goal of publishing in academia is to build a vita and maintain/advance your career, and it doesn't help as much to publish in a journal that none of your colleagues or supervisors has heard about.

For people who don't have that kind of professional experience, there are several easier questions you can ask. The better answer to each of these is "Yes". On their own, none of these questions indicates that a journal is necessarily reputable or nonreputable. But, if the journal gets a "No" answer to many of them, then I would be very hesitant to submit a paper.

  • Does the journal publish with no cost to the author? Reputable mathematics journals almost never charge fees for publication. Some very good journals offer an open-access model as an option, but it is almost never the default at the moment.

  • Is the journal indexed by MathSciNet and/or Zentralblatt MATH? These sites aim to be very comprehensive for mathematics journals. Being indexed is not really a sign of quality, but not being indexed is a red flag.

  • Is the journal ranked on the Australian Mathematical Society Ranking? Even C-rated journals can be OK, but if a journal is completely omitted I would take that as a reason to be cautious.

  • Is the journal either published by a well-known publisher, or affiliated with a university or mathematical society? Most reputable math journals fall into these categories, but not all. Some journals run by professional publishers are still not very reputable, of course.

  • Does the journal have a professional looking website? Grammatical errors or parts of the website that seem to be entirely missing are a cause for concern.

  • Does the journal have a long history of publication (say, at least 20 years)? Most predatory journals are very young; most math journals are relatively old.

The "American Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics" has a "No" answer to all of these questions. If they really did have a 10-day turn around between receiving a paper and accepting it, as described in comments, I am even more skeptical of the quality of the journal - that is an almost absurdly fast turn around time for a mathematics journal. I would not pay them anything to publish a paper of mine, nor would I recommend it to anyone else.

Of course, you can publish in a predatory journal, just as you can publish in a for-hire press. But if you are an amateur or "outsider" looking to publish in a math journal, you are likely doing it to get a sort of "seal of approval" on your paper. Journals that mathematicians view as unreputable will not give your paper that kind of recognition among mathematicians, just as degrees from unreputable colleges are unlikely to impress others.

If your goal is just to disseminate your mathematical work, and you don't require peer review, you can often use arXiv.org instead. Depending on the area, you may need to have a professional "sponsor", but the arXiv will keep your paper available for free for the indefinite future in a way that is widely accessible to the public.

  • 3
    Another way that academics (not just mathematicians) figure out which journals are reputable is by noticing which journals publish the papers that they cite, and which journals publish the papers that those papers cite, and so on. Commented Nov 28, 2014 at 10:54
  • @Oswald Veblen , I would be interest to make my paper in arxiv.org, but already request for me "endorser" , as i don't have any publication before Commented Nov 28, 2014 at 13:28
  • Thank you for your answer : pleas this is the journal that i submitted my work in it :academicresearchjournals.com/journal-detail.php?journals_id=37, you will find online submission Commented Nov 30, 2014 at 20:09
  • @user51189.....Journal seems like online shopping site to me.
    – IgotiT
    Commented May 16, 2016 at 4:06

The publisher of this particular journal, "Academic Research Journals", appears on a widely cited list of "predatory publishers" who publish open access journals with very low standards and charge authors to publish. You probably don't want a publication in this journal.

See Beall's list at:


Also follow the link from the list to the criteria that Beall used to compile the list. New predatory publishers pop up every week, so you really need to consider these issues in evaluating a new journal.

As ff524 has pointed out in the comments, there are actually two web sites using the name "Academic Research Journals" The web site of academicresearchjournals.com could easily be confused with the other academicresearchjournals.org. Whoever put together the .com web site used "Academic Research Journals (India)" rather than "Academic Research Journals" in some places but not others. This certainly looks like a copycat operation.

In any case, the journal mentioned by the original poster has the appearance of one of these predatory journals and should be avoided for that reason.

  • 2
    The one linked on Beall's list is actually a different "Academic Research Journals" (based in Nigeria). This one is "Academic Research Journals (INDIA)" which is a different publisher (different websites and everything).
    – ff524
    Commented Nov 28, 2014 at 2:35
  • The web page of the journal still reads "Published by Academic Research Journals" I guess it was too much work to change the name everywhere :-) Commented Nov 28, 2014 at 2:38
  • So it does, but this is still an inaccurate answer. I suggest you edit it.
    – ff524
    Commented Nov 28, 2014 at 2:40

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