When it comes to what's expected of a postdoc, advice on this SE seem contradictory to me.
- Some advice seems to be along the lines of: build your own profile, focus on your future goals, do not dance for your PI. Example:
Focus on self-improvement and (implicitly and politely, but only if possible) tell your peers to bloody sod off. Too many professors nowadays will suck postdocs and PhD students dry, while sitting comfortably on a fixed income, pretending to be busy around empty/ghost meetings, random signatures, staring at some computer screen. They are just waiting. They are vultures waiting over you to offer papers and data for them to claim as their own. Do not dance for them.
- And some other advice is along the lines of: you're not an independent researcher yet and you were hired to do a specific job. Example:
I am sorry to break it to you, but yes, postdocs are generally not independent researchers. To do what YOU want to do, you've got to secure funding yourself (...)
In the first months of my postdoc I've been trying to be very independent. I've been reading any literature that caught my interest even if it was somewhat further from the subject of my postdoc. I initiated contact with a couple of researchers I admire in the field of my postdoc with a plan that we could set up a collaboration in the future. I've been coming up with research ideas for what I could accomplish. And after a few months, I found out that my PI doesn't want me to come up with ideas that are not very related to the research direction of his group. He also mentioned that for now it's better I work with the team here rather than bring external collaborators.
So I felt like a fool and I kept searching this SE some more. I came across this question where the message I got from the answers is more like: Sorry, you're not an independent researcher yet, you will have to work on what your PI tells you to. After reading this I thought okay, maybe I will just have to suck it up and complete the tasks that my PI tells me to do.
But to make things even more confusing, today I got an answer on another question I asked that postdocs should pay attention to their own academic objectives :)
So far, my process of synchronizing expectations with my PI has been painful and I was only finding out bits of expectations here and there after making a fool out of myself. I did ask my PI what does he expect of me in the first month and he told me: I want you to learn technique X. So I've been mastering technique X since but 6 months into my postdoc I guess it can't be the only thing I need to do, so I started doing other things as well (reading, experimenting, talking with researchers in our department, attending seminars...)
I find that this answer does not help, because it still doesn't tell me how to do all those things in such a way that my PI is okay with.
I am so lost right now about what's expected of me. At this point, it seems that I need to directly and frequently get that answer from my PI, otherwise it doesn't seem applicable to my particular lab situation.
So my question is: what's the most effective way that I update myself on what my PI expects of me at any given time? Regular chats with my PI where I ask him exactly that? Many occasions to hear my PI's feedback of my progress? Do I need to ask my PI first with every bigger decision I need to take, like contacting an external researcher? Or, perhaps, I should simply accept that at times I will screw up and make a fool out of myself?