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Mar 25, 2015 at 2:29 comment added Wolfgang Bangerth I don't know what you expect in terms of "oversight or enforcement". It's hard to make professors in general do anything, and it's even harder to make successful and productive professors do anything. Do you expect the department head to show up in the professor's office and tell her that she needs to meet with the students for 15 minutes before the defense to go over open points in the thesis? To write at least a 2-page report? Such enforcement is simply not practical.
Mar 24, 2015 at 16:35 comment added A.S Part of the reason for the perpetuation of this issue is probably the lack of oversight or enforcement of the committee members' role beyond the bare-bones formal requirements of the Graduate School. As long as they are alive and show up for the defense, and sign the exam, formally they have fulfilled their obligations...the rest of the relationship is informal. I agree that getting the draft in the committee's hands early helps, but even then chances for quality engagement are not high for the reasons discussed. What remains is relationship building.
Mar 24, 2015 at 13:31 history answered Wolfgang Bangerth CC BY-SA 3.0