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Jan 11 at 1:38 comment added JonathanReez @Peter-ReinstateMonica it's almost as if the LLM critics don't know what they're really talking about! :D
Jan 11 at 1:27 comment added Peter - Reinstate Monica @JonathanReez That's my favorite laughter about LLM criticism. "They don't know what they are really talking about" is about the most common criticism of human writing as well...
Jan 11 at 0:06 comment added Anonymous Physicist "There is no need to filter out AI-generated statements of purpose." For programs that get a lot of applicants, one of the reasons to require a statement of purpose is to reduce the number of applicants by increase the work required to apply. If the statement of purpose can be "AI" generated, then the number of applicants might increase. So, in some cases, there is a need impose some kind of burden that an "AI" cannot remove.
Jan 11 at 0:04 comment added JonathanReez Most humans writing is also akin to a bullshit generator. Just compare the average Quora answer to the average StackExchange answer. The former often make no sense at all or don't actually answer the question.
Jan 10 at 18:22 vote accept Iman Mohammadi
Jan 9 at 22:23 comment added TimothyAWiseman While likely to improve in the future, I think your description as a "bullshit generator" is right on presently. I, along with many others, have spoken and written about how the use of LLM in a legal context can be very dangerous unless the LLM's output is carefully monitored and vetted by a qualified legal professional.
Jan 9 at 18:52 comment added Ian Sudbery @ChrisH What i'm looking for in an SoP for a PhD student is that the student is actaully intrested in working specifically with me, understands what it we do in my lab, and specifically keen this particular project. For a job, and SoP can help the assesor map evidence of skills/experiences to job criteria. Good writing can help me see that if its true, but it can't hide its absence.
Jan 9 at 11:58 comment added Chris H One thing that seems to be creeping in - though I haven't tested it myself - is AI-assisted writing. In that case the applicant throws something together and uses an AI tool to rewrite it (often in more formal language). I wonder how the OP would perceive that. Is it just a spelling/grammar checker with a sense of superiority?
Jan 8 at 21:36 comment added Try2GetBack2Academia "I can easily believe that a LLM can write a decent SoP, but I'd very surprised if they produce a great one." It can actually make a good one into a generic one; those who wrote great ones always win...
Jan 8 at 11:57 history answered Arno CC BY-SA 4.0