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Timeline for Decision Pending | Send a Reminder?

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Aug 28, 2018 at 21:03 vote accept U. User
Aug 24, 2018 at 10:07 comment added U. User Well Decision Pending in Elsevier means that "at least one editor has made a decision but no letter has yet been sent". So in my case, the editor has sent a recommendation to the Editor in Chief who should now make a decision. I do understand that editors are busy people, and these things simply take time due too many factors. But if the referees' report are there with a recommendation decision, and the authors know that's the case, then editors should expect after few days reminders from authors (especially from young researchers like me :)). I'll wait for two more weeks. Thank you.
Aug 23, 2018 at 20:24 comment added Buffy @Adam, it is always ok here to ask the OP for clarifications if needed before answering. Field of study and country are often not stated, but important. We are a worldwide community here. Welcome to the party.
Aug 23, 2018 at 20:20 comment added Adam @Buffy of course it is to the OP to figure this out depending on his field and journal. In physics, at least in the journal I publish in, I usually get a reply after a few days. I understood *decision pending" as "we got all referees' reports", but I guess you're right that it could mean that the editor is pondering his reply for a few month (!). (I'm new to academia stack exchange, and I find it quite confusing that the field is usually not given, as the answers seems to depend quite a lot on the discipline. )
Aug 23, 2018 at 20:03 comment added Tripartio @Adam, based on what OP has described, I would not recommend sending a reminder before one month from "Decision pending". The article is unlikely to be accepted on the first round, and it's best for OP not to give the editor an early sense that they are impatient authors. In my field, I don't send any reminders until at least 3 months have passed since my submission (or resubmission); a 3-4 month delay is considered quite normal. (Yes, I know; it is terrible what we've come to expect as normal. :-( )
Aug 22, 2018 at 20:48 comment added U. User I know, I hope this frustration journey will end by accepting the paper as well, in that case, it totally worth it. Thank you for the feedback.
Aug 22, 2018 at 18:16 comment added Adam On the other hand, once I was waiting for the editor to make a decision (the review came back from the referee 2 weeks before), and I wrote a short email asking if everything was fine (from my experience with that journal, it takes about a day to hear from the editor after the referees reply). My paper was accepted within a day. Short version : it depends on the journal, for some 2 weeks is a long time to reply, for other it might not be.
Aug 22, 2018 at 17:01 history answered Buffy CC BY-SA 4.0