Does anyone know if it is possible for a Ph.D. graduate of mathematics to successfully do research in his/her spare time?
The work environment and conditions in academia seem somewhat deplorable at the moment---no offence intended, but that simply very much appears to be the case from an outsider's perspective---and it just strikes me that mathematics would surely be the subject most suited to Ph.D. graduates who don't want to go there, but still want to research, as "only pen and paper" are required.
If one were really, truly much of a disadvantage would they have compared to someone who chose to stick it out?
Are seminars entirely barred?
Is it impossible to publish?
How much (more) time would someone who stayed in academia have in a day to spend researching?
Also, what about people who have not got PhDs? I would think it's more or less impossible for them to contribute very much of value if they only have a Bachelor's or a Master's degree, but I really don't know.