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JoshuaZ's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
150 votes

What should I do if I discover the job posted at the institution for which I had submitted my CV but they didn't contact me?

79 votes

Writing a letter of recommendation for a mediocre student

78 votes

What can be done about a disruptive classmate?

60 votes

Undergrad overwhelmed by a graduate math class

46 votes

PhD student who wants to stay for a tenure position

46 votes

I missed a paper from the past year which is very close to what I am doing. What should I do?

37 votes

Should I ask for authorship or ignore?

28 votes

Can a blind person do a post-doc in the humanities?

26 votes

'best poster' and 'best talk' prizes - can we do better determining winners?

25 votes

Reviewer signs name on review. Should the editor censor?

24 votes

Is it appropriate to report mistakes in an engineering paper which makes unsupported claims?

24 votes

Why does independent research from people without formal academic qualifications generally turn out to be a complete waste of time?

22 votes

Refereeing papers by people you are very close to

22 votes

Can I use "Member, IEEE" as my affiliation for publishing papers?

17 votes

Best way to respond to a request for CV after graduation

16 votes

What are examples of experiments or studies where pre-registration would not be feasible?

15 votes

What are good reasons for declining to referee a manuscript that hasn't been posted on arXiv?

14 votes

Is the barrier to entry for mathematics research increasing, and is it at risk of becoming less accessible in the future?

14 votes

How to get my independent mathematical research accepted?

10 votes

Bad answer to a bad peer-review

10 votes

Job talk Q&A: handling the room vs. being respectful

9 votes

If a reference is no longer publicly available, should you include the proofs of the results you cite from it?

9 votes

Why is the Grievance Studies affair considered to be research requiring IRB approval?

9 votes

Are results that are derived simply by using more computational power publishable?

8 votes

Is it considered cheating to use answers I remember from videos I studied?

8 votes

I forgot to remove all authors' names from the appendix for a double-blind journal submission. What are the potential consequences?

7 votes

Is there anything inherently wrong with publishing in a bad journal?

6 votes

Does D2L have a way for the instructor to access my submission while it appears "unread"?

6 votes

What should the instructor do about a student who is not aware of their disability?

6 votes

Am I allowed to submit a paper to a journal while it is under review at another?