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Stuart Golodetz's user avatar
Stuart Golodetz's user avatar
Stuart Golodetz
  • Member for 10 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
121 votes

How to deal with an inappropriate greeting in an email?

69 votes

Research adviser is trying to give my thesis to another student. What to do?

49 votes

As a person outside academia, can I e-mail authors if I have questions about their work?

39 votes

I wasted six years of my life getting a PhD degree. What should I do, and how will I survive?

37 votes

Can I claim authorship on work I wasn't personally involved in, that uses a framework I developed for my research?

33 votes

How can a new PhD Student objectively evaluate how well they are doing?

27 votes

Can I trust a paper that hides implementation details?

21 votes

Lecturer with anxiety. How to survive in academia?

18 votes

Misguided use of offensive figures in student presentations

13 votes

Can a scientific article (of an non-tested idea) in computer science be accepted in a high-ranked journal?

12 votes

Is it ok to list reviewing experience in a resume when you don't have a PhD?

9 votes

A staff member was rude to me in an email and made me look bad in front of other members of the staff. How should I handle this?

7 votes

Professor wants to change my thesis' interpretation in favor of his research. How to react?

5 votes

is it OK to include own questions on CV?

5 votes

Submit a new version of my paper if my supervisor only commented on an old, very different version?

5 votes

Do I have to adapt my reviews according to the quality of a journal?

5 votes

What would be the correct response if a teacher gives you their own answer without explaining or giving any indication that you are wrong?

5 votes

Bullying at a previous affiliation, but now moved on. What to do?

4 votes

My Scopus profile shows joint-first authorship as co-authorship. Should I ask for it to be corrected, and will it have any impact?

4 votes

How much is submission acceptance to high-profile conferences influenced by internal politics?

4 votes

How to /Should I include a disadvantaged youth in personal statement

3 votes

Do you let Google Scholar index popular science articles, conference abstracts, etc.?

3 votes

Is it rude to send my professor a link with teaching advice?

3 votes

How do hiring committees for research positions view getting "scooped"?

3 votes

Is a request to book a business flight ticket for a graduate student an unreasonable one?

3 votes

Internship research is too complex for me to understand

2 votes

Is an acknowledgement worth putting in a CV?

2 votes

Should titles in the references be in title case?

2 votes

Is it ethical for authors to reference another paper, but not cite it formally, because they consider it unscientific?

2 votes

How important are poster sessions in conferences?