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Flyto's user avatar
Flyto's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
  • UK
2 votes

For a numerical simulation paper, is it necessary to include boundary conditions and initial conditions in the paper?

2 votes

My revised paper was accepted surprisingly quickly; should I worry?

2 votes

Present model calibration results in methods section or results section?

2 votes

Business card for a student?

2 votes

What can you get from submitting an abstract?

2 votes

Why do publishers allow distributing preprints?

2 votes

Why are "discretionary" desk rejections generally implemented when they are an obvious bias loophole?

2 votes

Where to upload conference posters and how to share them?

2 votes

Should I learn to use LaTeX to write up a History Masters Thesis?

2 votes

How does having a PhD affect your chance of getting into a second PhD UK university in a different field UK university?

2 votes

How to respond when a professor compliments you via email?

1 vote

Grad schools in which countries, besides the US, allow you time to figure out your research topics?

1 vote

Visa to attend conference in Canada - Shall I contact the conference organisers?

1 vote

How to efficiently (and aesthetically) display an evolving publications list on your webpage?

1 vote

Is there an academic\ethical reason for omitting place names in environmental science papers?

1 vote

What if PhD application date is closed?

1 vote

How to politely enquire how serious someone is when they say "work for me as a postdoc"

1 vote

Is there a reference managing software that shows/extracts content of highlights?

1 vote

Tracking dissemination of open access publications

1 vote

Conferences as publication venues – black and white or is there a grey or third way?

1 vote

Dimensionless axis plots

1 vote

Posting solutions to textbook problems online

1 vote

If something is publicly visible in the Internet, does it mean I can use it for research?

1 vote

What is a suitable job title for someone responsible for data and software in a research project?

1 vote

Sharing a green Open Access manuscript

1 vote

Can you do a PhD solely on repeating experiments of others?

1 vote

What should be included on the title page of a conference presentation

1 vote

What is the reference manager that can show the list of annotations?

1 vote

Abbreviations (abbrv.) in journal (jrn) articles (artcs)

1 vote

How can I best use my time as a Mathematical sciences PhD student in the UK