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Caleb Stanford's user avatar
Caleb Stanford
  • Member for 11 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
151 votes

Referee wants me to add a plot – because the paper has none

133 votes

Colleague blames me for not spotting typos when I only reviewed the structure and content

87 votes

Rejection from a legitimate journal, with reviewers recommending me to try a Beall's list journal

79 votes

Is it immoral to advise PhD students in non-industry-relevant topics in middle-lower ranked universities?

68 votes

Are 'please cite my paper' emails socially accepted?

60 votes

Why is it forbidden by the IEEE to post 'author-submitted' papers on ArXiv?

53 votes

Is it ethical to ask students to proofread a textbook?

48 votes

Whom to cite from an article: the reporter or the person who provided a quote to the reporter?

46 votes

Advisor to spend some funds to buy things that make group members feel better working at home. Is it selfish to request a tablet and stuff?

39 votes

Is it wrong for students to report suspected / borderline plagiarism?

38 votes

Advisor wants first author. Do I have any leverage?

37 votes

Is it good to leave hyperref activated on a conference paper?

35 votes

Missed April 15th deadline to accept grad school offer. What can I do?

26 votes

How do I use lemmas that are probably already proven, but including the proof myself is quicker than looking up a source?

21 votes

Will writing a thesis in MS Word or LaTeX impact my future career?

18 votes

What to do when a reviewer is late while daily posting about other activities on social media?

17 votes

Is it unethical writing two papers addressing two aspects of the same research project

17 votes

How do I get an email alert when my paper is cited?

16 votes

Is giving condolences to a professor socially acceptable?

15 votes

Etiquette for whether to send a follow-up email to a professor who will not have a reliable internet connection?

14 votes

Graduate Admissions Gender Bias

13 votes

How should I interpret a suggestion to "synthesize" two sections of a paper?

13 votes

How do you respectfully remove someone from your research group?

13 votes

Assessing a potential supervisor who had a fallout with a previous PhD student

12 votes

How to cite quote from Gutenberg Project ebook?

12 votes

Cancelled Summer Program due to COVID-19

12 votes

Is "because it's fun" an acceptable justification for choosing a certain research path (when communicating to peers/colleagues)?

11 votes

Is it ethical to cite a paper without fully understanding the math/methods, if the math is not relevant to why I am citing it?

10 votes

Is it common to make seniority distinctions between coauthors of a paper in math?

9 votes

How do I handle plagiarism professionally and emotionally?

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