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Mahali Sindy
  • Member for 7 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
37 votes

Not getting an interview due to institution's fault

14 votes

My supervisor is promoting my work (that I think has flaws) everywhere - what to do?

14 votes

dealing with the feeling after rejection

11 votes

What can I do when someone else is literally duplicating my PhD work?

9 votes

Postdoc supervisor has stopped helping

9 votes

Adding another author to a paper that hasn’t contributed?

6 votes

Are the peer reviewers of a journal article allowed to voice surprise to the editor at a "minor revision" decision?

4 votes

What should I do with my 60 page undergraduate thesis?

1 vote

What happens if I accept a post doc and then I change my mind?

1 vote

Is it fair for my PI to ask me to do administrative work like submitting reports for grants?

0 votes

Why do people sometimes put authors with equal contribution in non-alphabetical order?

0 votes

What are the strengths and weaknesses of wanting to study everything and how can I use it to my advantage?

0 votes

Is there a recommended day to send a cold email or is it better to send it as early as possible?

-1 votes

Can a professor influence the graduate admissions committee if they are interested in a particular student?

-1 votes

How worried should I be about mistakes in my CV after submitting my grad school applications?

-1 votes

Is this professor being unnecessarily harsh or did I actually make a mistake?

-4 votes

Uncooperative PhD Labmate