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vadim123's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
28 votes

Would it be considered cheating to ask for homework help on the internet, if I openly acknowledge the help received?

26 votes

Should I use recommendation letter from young professor I worked with or well-known professor I met in class?

26 votes

"You are paid to answer my questions!" - how to handle silly questions?

25 votes

Dealing with aggressive student suspected to be cheating

21 votes

Thesis Advisor conundrum

19 votes

Are papers entirely unrelated to my field going to hurt my chances in the future?

16 votes

Any ethical problems with dating a former student?

15 votes

Is it unethical to submit an older paper to a conference and then update it after acceptance?

14 votes

Is it unethical to take a photograph of my question sheets from a sit-down exam I've just finished if I am not allowed to take them home?

12 votes

The position I applied for was advertised as Associate Professor with Tenure, but now they’re saying it’s tenure-track Associate Professor

12 votes

How to deal with inactive students in undergraduate projects?

11 votes

How to interpret this rejection email from Journal of American Math Society? Anything to read between the lines?

11 votes

Slides for 30 min~1 hr Skype tenure track application interview

9 votes

What are some of the issues one should keep in mind while choosing between a fully funded offer and another with no funding?

8 votes

Why is college tuition high, but academic salaries low?

8 votes

Postdoctoral fellowship -- what is it about?

7 votes

Encourage student to participate without him helping too much

7 votes

Mentioning Professors in math PhD applications

7 votes

Mimic lecturing on blackboard, facing audience

6 votes

Can I claim authorship on work I wasn't personally involved in, that uses a framework I developed for my research?

6 votes

How much is submission acceptance to high-profile conferences influenced by internal politics?

6 votes

Are single author publications given more weight in math hiring?

6 votes

How do schools typically handle a request for short-term leave from a student?

6 votes

Math journal for young mathematicians

5 votes

Do's and Don't's of Undergraduate Research

5 votes

Why do universities fund Ph.D. students in the sciences?

5 votes

How to handle a possibly biased editor?

5 votes

How to submit an article (for example, on arXiv) without being affiliated to any institution?

4 votes

What are strategies for minimizing student questions during exams?

4 votes

Should I stay in my uni for four years even though I already have 50 credits?