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DonQuiKong's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
43 votes

How to prevent students from using modified calculators to cheat on exams?

36 votes

Does a PhD from US carry *more academic value* as compared to one in India even if the research skill set developed is same?

24 votes

Is it ethical to send an unpublished draft preprint to a competitor by email to establish priority?

21 votes

Why do people keep saying 'it is your responsibility' to make sure your supervisor uploads their letter of recommendation (or similar)?

20 votes

I (independently) solved a fellow student's research problem. I want to publish it. What should I do?

16 votes

Student dissatisfied with exam grade: what to watch out for?

16 votes

Need help with students who've turned my class into a dating service

15 votes

Just started a postdoc, but it went REALLY bad, REALLY fast. Stay or go?

14 votes

Cannot attend CS conference but coauthor isn't registering

5 votes

Should we ask ambiguous questions on an exam?

4 votes

How to handle a paper by a reviewer who wants to be paid?

4 votes

Invited to give a talk but could not attend, can it be on CV?

4 votes

Should professors pay undergraduate students doing research in their labs?

1 vote

Does it make sense to reward the entire class with better grades if (and only if) no cheating is detected?

1 vote

Plagiarism and exclusion from a master's program?