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Arthur Tarasov's user avatar
Arthur Tarasov's user avatar
Arthur Tarasov
  • Member for 8 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
70 votes

Can I legally omit the fact I hold a Ph.D. degree?

68 votes

How should I deal with very negative feedback from some students?

60 votes

How to silence the voice that tells you you're being financially irresponsible by spending 4 to 6 years doing a PhD?

42 votes

"Upgrading" PhD

28 votes

Writing ads to attract female PhD candidates

27 votes

Is it possible to start a PhD at 36 without taking a huge hit financially?

23 votes

How to find a gap in knowledge, for my PhD?

21 votes

Is it okay if a PhD student's work seems insignificant compared to others'?

15 votes

Concerns about the value of the research domain

14 votes

Slept through final, professor is giving me a zero and failing me – is there anything I can do to change this?

12 votes

My adviser wants to use my code for a spin-off, but I want to use it for my own company

11 votes

White supremacists marching at the University of Virginia – does this reflect the university’s attitude?

11 votes

Why is PhD GPA considered irrelevant?

11 votes

Legality of downloading books from websites such as Library Genesis

9 votes

Should I explain that I cannot finish my current master due to religious discrimination when applying for another graduate program?

8 votes

How to approach student in lab with very bad English?

8 votes

How are professors able to multitask?

8 votes

Distinguish starting journals from predatory ones

7 votes

Is it acceptable to use non-English references in a computer science paper?

7 votes

How to start a talk about a topic that cannot be explained without some background information?

6 votes

How do you come to terms with the fact that you might never be among the best in your research community?

6 votes

How can I convince graduate students in China to not copy/paste from the Internet into their research papers?

6 votes

Why are textbook authors often not the most famous/cited researchers?

5 votes

Are open access papers read by a larger readership than paywalled papers?

5 votes

How is publishing under a random pseudonym authorized?

5 votes

Why are tenure-track professors hired on the basis of their research when they spend most of their time teaching?

5 votes

Where did I lose control of my studies?

4 votes

How do academics with teaching responsibilities, etc. find the time to do research?

4 votes

Moral dilemma in unwittingly being paid to complete a student's work

4 votes

Can a tenure-track job candidate infer any meaning from the response to an initial contact email?